Thursday, March 25, 2010

Inspirations 8 [6-10]

The Design Revolution Roadshow came to Syracuse. They showcased designs that will change the world. I love the re-purposed wood for a math game, and the information design of the portion control bowls. And the pink balloons were pretty great too.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Inspirations [Spring Break]

[raindrops on the windshield]

[love shadows]

[cool shoes]

[best friends]

[tanks tops the color of the sky]

[large ring balloons at wedding showers]

[rain boots & flowers]

[spring time!]



[flying kites]

[mummy exhibits at the MFA]

[taking pics while driving]

Monday, March 8, 2010

Reaction [Beautiful Losers]


Let me tell you why.

A) I love the underground art culture they were portraying. Sometimes I wish I was cool enough to be a part of that. It's so inspiring to see people my age doing what they love to do, if they're getting paid or not. The different kinds of art they produce, whether it's graffiti, paintings, skateboard graphics, photos, ect, they are all so unique and edgy and wonderful and it really inspires me.

B) I love the different personalities of every person in the film. It's weird, because you look at the person and hear them speak, and then you look at their artwork and sometimes it's so obvious they were the ones who made that art. But other times, you see and hear a person, and then see their art, and you're like "What, I can't believe that guy made that art." Like the scrawny Asian kid that did those huge, awesome graffiti graphics. SO COOL! And totally unexpected.

C) I love the message it sends out about being creative. Never stop creating. If you're inspired, then do it! You don't have to have a huge, open-air, expensive studio to do the things you love. It's like the Delevan Center over in the Near West Side of Syracuse. There are old, grungy, kind of gross looking studios, but inside, people are making big, bold, beautiful, creative and amazing pieces of art! I find that awesome.

That's about it. Loved it.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I don't know who cares....

BUT. Someday, I reallyyyy want one of these.

So I can take pictures like these:

Because I'm a nerd and I think fisheye photography is magical.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Someday I'm going to have a fireplace and a glass vase/bottle collection just like this one. I LOVE IT. I want it NOW. From Design*Sponge

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

RedHouse-Group 8 & Band Picks.

Problem: RedHouse isn't known among the Syracuse University students.
-Bring RedHouse to campus to have events
-Host an event with the Wescott Theater (because it already has a good reputation among the students)
-Glow in the dark t-shirts
-An igloo on the quad
-Better bus routes
-Partnering with frats and sororities

1. Jason Castro (indie, acoustic, singer/songwriter, has AMAZING dreadlocks)
2. Matt Wertz (acoustic, singer/songwriter)
3. The Fray (pretty popular, but worth a try)

Inspirations 7 [6-10]

[BIRTHDAYS!! My friend's 21st]

[Com Designers have some serious requirements before you date them]

[Old telephone booths]

Inspirations 7 [1-5]

Colors, lights, bokeh and a little hint of Christmas.